Monday, August 8, 2016

Taurus 2x2, Motor 'Tempur' Russian Sophisticated and Unique

Russia became one of the countries in the world known to have the most advanced military weapons technology, not only that - the architect famous fighter also astute in creating products that combat vehicles very tough and unique.

Call it one of them is this 2x2 Taurus, a two-wheel motorcycle at first sight, we see it will feel its uniqueness - motor 'combat' with the super fat tires.

Motor 'fighter' is designed by Motovezedhody in Russia which actually uses initially only for vehicles dropping off your outdoor hobbies such as fishing, hunting and beroff-road course.

The uniqueness Taurus 2x2 called the Russians as the ATV is located on components that can be easily disassembled and re-installed or assembled. Unique skeletal structure is designed such that the material is very light yet strong enough.

Taurus 2x2 used Honda GX210 OHV engine - small capacity of about 211cc engine with a power of 5.5 hp gasoline frequent in the country we see a small generator is used as an engine or drive irrigation pumps.

This uniquely powerful motorcycles and priced at 75,000 Russian rubles or equivalent to Rp 15 million. How about it, the more intrigued not by the action of two-wheel motorcycle (2x2) this? Check out the full video below.

