Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Great Opportunity After Acquired Full Daihatsu Toyota

The latest news comes from Toyota Motor Corporation who recently completed the purchase of shares of ownership of Daihatsu Motor Company to 100 percent. That is, now fully Daihatsu is right to full ownership of Toyota. 
Daihtasu company buys shares through equity swap scheme in Tokyo on Monday, August 1, 2016. This of course be the most strategic for Toyota to transfer Asian markets and vehicle segments obscure little cheap. As diektahui, this vehicle segment is the weakest part of the line up of products owned Toyota.Dalam this case, as Nikkei summarized information via KompasOtmotif, Tuesday (08/02/2016) Masanori Mitsui, President of the Daihatsu said that it was a round the new Daihatsu existence of a long history that has been aged 109 years, in the target markets of Southeast Asia, an area where there are two important countries in the overseas strategy Daihatsu, Indonesia and Malaysia.

Not only that, even closer cooperation with Daihatsu Toyota will assist in determining and taking steps toward greater global market, in addition to Southeast Asia. Thus, the acquisition of 100 percent stake in Daihatsu is the best step for the benefit of both parties.Based on the information submitted by the same source, so far no different, when the status of the company has shifted ownership. Everything remains the same as before, both in production activity until all operations in the company. In fact, one of the sources that no other employee Daihatsu is optimistic about the new status of the Daihatsu."This makes us move forward. Deepening the relationship with Toyota will increase our sales, "said one employee Daihatsu.

As it is known, that the fierce competition for domestic small car segment, has prompted automobile manufacturers to reduce their production costs. Sales of small cars in Japan in the first half of 2016 shrank by as much as 13.4 percent from a year earlier. Demi can continue to expand the market, particularly car manufacturers Daihatsu need to find new territories abroad. For this reason, it is not a wrong decision taken by Daihatsu.
