Monday, August 8, 2016

Stop the Nissan Production of Battery

Reportedly will stop production for electric batteries, Nissan Motor will sell its stake in the company producing batteries, Automotive Energy Supply (AES). The company, a battery producer, established in 2007 ago and is specialized in producing lithium ion batteries for electric cars Nissan Leaf and some lainnya.Diketahui hybrid vehicles, Nissan itself has a stake of 51 percent and colleagues Nippon Electric Company (NEC) by 49 percent , Reportedly, the current middle Nissan began talks with Japan and China, linked the sale of all the shares.

The sale of all its shares, a signal that Nissan would no longer produce its own batteries for electric cars products. The company has said that by buying batteries from a supplier, is considered to be cheaper than the cost of production for their own manufacture. For information, at the end of 2015 and AES has gained gain from the sale of batteries of 36.6 billion yen, equivalent to 4.7 trillion.

Nissan Leaf electric car itself is a vehicle that Nissan was released in 2010 and until the month of June 2016 has been successfully sold over 230,000 uniy worldwide. Well, to increase sales, the Japanese manufacturer has finally decided to cut costs so that the sale price was cut by reducing costs come from the battery.

Until now, Nissan still has not finished deciding what price to 51 percent of the shares. However, the targeted year-end are companies which have Nissan, to become buyers.

After officially changed hands for stock manufacture these batteries, Nissan said it will focus on business clients' development of new technologies, such as vehicles that use an electric motor and a self-driving car. In addition, the company also will be more serious and in improving productivity. Apart targeting battery prices are cheap, the proceeds from this sale will likely also be used to support Nissan which is currently in good condition
